Our Divisions
Bulk Material Handling
Process Control
Trutegra designs batching systems for many types of materials including both wet and dry applications providing controls that are designed for flexibility, allowing customers to modify batch recipes as needed for process and end product requirements. Its high standard of quality consistently delivers results – whether in a complicated process and batching system or a very simple design, by offering flexible batching and process solutions.
Trutegra’s team of highly-trained engineers are experienced with:
- ISA-88 (S88): Increasingly popular standard for batch processing that allows for modification to processes that require added flexibility without changing the controls programming.
- ISA-95 (S95): Used to integrate control and enterprise systems by determining what information is exchanged between multiple systems of an enterprise. Trutegra has the ability to develop these communication models with the control systems while also meeting S88 standards.
- IEC-1131: Allows programmers to develop process control programs in one of five standard languages, to be used consistently in various PLC’s with very little modification to the original program.
Contact Us
8801 South Boulevard, Charlotte, NC
Phone: 828.520.2766 | Fax: 704.529.0139 | sales@trutegra.com