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Automation Partners

Call us today! 24 Hour Service: (704) 529-0123

About Service

Contact Us Today.

Since 1987, we have accumulated an invaluable technical knowledge base that is only a phone call away. We provide superior onsite technical support for all of your automation systems. Our Service Department is available 24/7 to help get your plant up and running any time, day or night. Your phone call gives you access to years of experience in material handling, fibers, crane and hoist, tire and rubber, powders, power, waste water, food and beverage, and much more. Our team of highly-trained engineers, experienced in advanced motion control, drives, servos, control loops, industrial networks, robotics, and much more are available when you need us. Your problems are our problems. Whether it is an emergency or a scheduled visit, Trutegra is here to help. Contact us today.

We not only offer our services, but a partnership for ongoing support. We understand the impact of downtime and unexpected costs to a company’s bottom line so we offer Service Agreements as a solution to minimize both.

Service agreements give you:

  •  A guaranteed response time.
  •  Special price breaks on labor and material charges.
  •  Access to a team of expert engineers.
  •  No hassle emergency support by eliminating the need to issue or get approval for a PO when your -system is down, reducing the downtime and its impact.
  •  Pre-set monthly billing eliminates surprises and spikes to your budget.
  •  Customized for your individual support needs.
  •  No red tape to fight when an upgrade is needed.
  •  Secure off-site data backups for control system software. Your PLC, HMI code and other mission-critical control software is available for recovery in case of accidental deletion, overwrite, or catastrophic failure.
  •  Priority over all other customers.
  •  Elimination of learning curves by ensuring that the support you need is already familiar with your facility and process.

Contact us today to discuss the many benefits of starting a partnership with Trutegra.

Remote support is also available. This allows us to provide support without ever stepping foot in your facility. This reduces the charges and the time your system is down. We have experience with several different options for remote support and can work directly with your IT department to recommend the best solution for your facility. Contact us today to discuss Remote Support options that fit your network structure while providing the utmost amount of security.

Contact Us

8801 South Boulevard, Charlotte, NC
Phone: 828.520.2766 | Fax: 704.529.0139 |