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Automation Partners

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Machine Retrofits

Control Systems

Outdated controls on a critical manufacturing process can present tremendous risks.

These can include frequent maintenance, extended downtime, and even safety issues. Maintaining obsolete equipment is difficult especially when the equipment is fragile and replacement parts are hard to obtain. Many of the PC based support tools required to work on older equipment are themselves becoming obsolete. This can compound a minor problem and make even routine troubleshooting difficult or impossible. Most older equipment is not built to current safety standards. For example, most control panels built before 2002 are not compliant with current standards for arc-flash safety as directed by OSHA 29-CFR and NFPA 70e.

Trutegra can help by upgrading these systems to modern control hardware/software and bring them into compliance with safety standards. Our experienced staff can manage and execute the entire upgrade project including hardware, software, installation, commissioning and training.


Efficient, up to date, and cost effective.

Our project managers can survey the process and offer cost-effective designs that will bring the control system up-to-date. We will work with you to select the appropriate equipment (PLC’s, Operator Interface, Drives, Motor Starters, safety devices, etc.) for your application. In many cases selection is based on the make and model of other equipment in the plant so that spare parts cost and training are kept to a minimum.


Designed in house, and included with every project.

Trutegra will create wiring drawings including I/O Wiring Diagrams, and/or Field Wiring Diagrams either from scratch or by modifying existing plant drawings. Drawings are produced on AutoCAD and always delivered with the job as the property of the customer.


Chosen specifically to fit your needs.

The application program will be translated to run on new, up-to-date hardware. This is either done automatically, through translation programs when possible, or by manually re-writing the code. All source code for the job is thoroughly documented in accordance with Trutegra software documentation standards. Project source code always becomes the property of the customer.

Contact Us

8801 South Boulevard, Charlotte, NC
Phone: 828.520.2766 | Fax: 704.529.0139 |