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Automation Partners

Call us today! 24 Hour Service: (704) 529-0123
Augmented Reality Crane Control is exciting, practical and effective. Operators can be relocated to safe environments and still perform challenging (crane) tasks safely removed from heat, hazardous fumes, heights, weather, traffic, and other hazards associated with a wide variety of manufacturing environments.
Augmented Reality Crane Control solution coupled with “No-Sway” technology creates a safer overall situation.


  •  Operators can sit or stand, and operate the crane with excellent situational awareness
  •  Operators have multiple vantage points while being completely removed from a busy, hazardous environment
  •   Operators can see integrated HMI feedback and fault information as an overlay on the live video
  •  Operators can complete delicate operations with the benefit of well-placed cameras and “Augmented Reality” features

Client Testimonials

“I am writing you today to acknowledge that we have experienced great customer service from Matthew Megremis! On the last visit and near the end of a long Plater day, I had taken Matthew over to our large fully automated press room just to show him some of our other plant automation. It just so happens, that we had device net module fail and I had a real showstopper on my hands. This particular module is vital to our safety and communication layers of the press and all robot systems. As it turned out, we were un-armed in the software side of things and for reasons before my years, had no configuration to download. With Matthew’s help, some Trutegra internal team support and some Rockwell tech support combined, we were able to recover our press line. On a professional basis, it’s been my pleasure to work with Matthew who is very knowledgeable for his years and systematic in his approach. These two key attributes combined enable him to be very proficient in tackling & resolving problems. On a personal basis, I have been working closely with Matthew side by side for long hours. It’s been my pleasure to spend time and interact person to person with Matthew. I have come to know that he has the right temperament, and a great balance of integrity, honesty and patience all rolled in. Huge Thanks goes out to Matthew for his extended service and contribution to helping save our day! Matthew is welcome in our plant and also at my home at any time.”

-Automation Tech at a major Automotive System

Contact Us

8801 South Boulevard, Charlotte, NC
Phone: 828.520.2766 | Fax: 704.529.0139 |