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Obstacle Avoidance

Obstacle Avoidance increases productivity and eliminates operator error

Trutegra’s Obstacle Avoidance software is a unique patented product that provides a measure of safety against the crane and load accidentally contacting known obstacles in the work area.

  •  The software imports CAD drawings of fixed obstacles in the crane operating area and compares crane position against these obstacles in real time.
  •  When an imminent collision is detected the software intervenes and if necessary will automatically slow or stop the crane to avoid a collision.

Advantages of Tru Obstacle Avoidance

In today’s fast paced world, we are all expected to do more with less. Our obstacle avoidance system allows you to increase your efficiency and minimize risk to your equipment and personnel.

  •  Increase production with fewer resources
  •  Provide a safer work environment
  •  Wow your customers and prospects with outstanding demonstration of efficiency and safety processes
  •  Gives you a competitive advantage in the marketplace
  •  Technology Investment with a measurable ROI

An Essential Tool for Minimizing Operator Error

Even highly skilled and experienced operators sometimes make mistakes that can lead to:

  •  Increase production with fewer resources.
  •  Every hour of downtime impacts the bottom line.
  •  Repairing cranes and related equipment is also very costly.
  •  Costly overtime and third-party support.
  •  Delayed production and delivery can ultimately lead to loss of customers.
  •  Damaged products which may be rejected by the end client upon delivery.

How does it work? A Constant Stream of Communication

In operation, the Obstacle avoidance system maintains a constant stream of communication between the crane (or cranes) and the OA Server.

The “OA Server” is the heart of the system. This Client-Server type application executes on an industrial PC platform, and is connected to the crane by Ethernet. (LINK TO BLOG POST ABOUT OA SERVER)

Real-time position sensors on each crane axis send position and velocity data about the crane to the OA Server. The position sensors consist of encoders or laser distance meters.

If at any time communication fails, the PLC assumes a collision is imminent and intervenes with the crane’s motor drives to stop the crane. This strategy makes the system “fail safe”.

A real-time interface for your Operators

Provides your operators with a live top-down view of the crane in its local work environment.

The ability to view close crane interactions and easy-to-read color coded proximity indicators makes this an essential tool when operating a crane from a remote location.

Advanced Auditing Tools for your Safety Officer

A Historical data logging tool that permits “flight-recorder” style tracking and viewing of the crane’s movements

Our system can record crane movements over extended periods of time, and make the recorded data available for later “playback”.

If you would like to learn more about our Obstacle Avoidance Technology contact us for more information!

Contact Us

8801 South Boulevard, Charlotte, NC
Phone: 828.520.2766 | Fax: 704.529.0139 |